TRTA Releases Legislative Priorities for 89th Legislative Session

TRTA Releases Legislative Priorities for 89th Legislative Session

Members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA), the 2024 General Election is right around the corner! Now is the time to get prepared.

TRTA will be sharing a series of Inside Line articles to help you prepare to vote. Right now, candidates all over the state are busy campaigning. There will be many new faces in the Texas Legislature in 2025, and it’s time to put on your educator hats!

TRTA members are the best at educating candidates on the needs of Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) retirees! We can make positive things happen for TRS retirees by building relationships with elected officials and candidates for political office.

Share TRTA’s Priorities!

One of the best ways to get started is to download TRTA’s Legislative Priorities for the 89th Legislative Session. Share TRTA’s priorities with candidates and ask them where they stand on the issues that matter most to TRS retirees.

You can also share TRTA’s priorities with TRS retirees who are not yet members of TRTA and current educators who are thinking about retiring soon. TRTA President Ella Gauthier’s theme for her term is Building Bridges! Now is a great time to build a bridge: connect with candidates, connect with active educators, connect with neighbors and members of your community!

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

November General Election

  • Voter registration deadline: October 7, 2024
  • Early voting period: October 21, 2024 through November 1, 2024
  • Last day to apply to vote by mail: October 25, 2024
  • Election Day: November 5, 2024


Legislative Session

  • First Day of 89th Legislative Session: January 14, 2025
  • TRTA Day at the Capitol: March 26, 2025
  • Last Day of 89th Legislative Session: June 2, 2025

Attend a TRTA District Fall Conference!

Now is a great time to get involved in TRTA’s legislative activities! Your TRTA District is hosting a fall conference near you. TRTA districts are hosting candidates and legislators at their conferences and helping members prepare for the November General Election!

TRTA Executive Director Tim Lee will also be speaking at many of these conferences as well as at several local chapter meetings. Visit this link to find out “where in the world is Tim Lee?” today!

Please visit this link to view the full 2024 District Fall Conference Schedule, where you can find meeting dates and times, as well as locations. Reach out to your local chapter or district president to learn how you can participate in your district conference!

Thank You!

Thank you for being a member of TRTA. We are asking members to please renew their dues with TRTA if they have not done so already. If you know someone who is not a member, please invite them to join us! There is strength in numbers and the surest way for us to accomplish success is to grow the organization. Please stay tuned to the Inside Line as progress continues to be made on reforming WEP and GPO!


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