Dora Luz Cackley (District 1), Belinda Aguilar (District 2), Becky Williams (District 3), Jane Eixmann (District 4), Richard Briggs (District 5), Dr. Johnie Walker (District 6), Phil Worsham (District 7), Barbara Williams (District 8), Dee Palmore (District 9), Thomas Poore (District 10), Jeanne Paull–Turner (District 11), Alicia Smith (District 12), Mollye Long (District 13), Sharon Daugherty (District 14), Nancy Byler (District 15), Doneice Ray (District 16), Eric McKnight (District 17), Shirley Johnson (District 18), Steve Evans (District 19), Richard Herbst (District 20)
The TRTA Legislative Committee shall study pending legislation, develop and implement a plan to promote new legislation, and continuously inform members about related legislation. The committee shall collaborate with the Texas Silver–Haired Legislature, NRTA, other similar organizations, and with other education organizations concerning retirement issues. The committee shall collaborate with other standing and special committees as appropriate to further the mission of TRTA.