Additional News on Traditional Retirement Plans

Last week, the Board of Trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) held their regularly scheduled board meeting. A presentation comparing the traditional defined benefit retirement plan (such as the one administered by TRS) and the defined contribution plan (such as a privatized 401k) was provided by an external consulting firm.

TRTA requested that this presentation be made available to all TRS members. We are very grateful to TRS for providing this link to the video recording of that presentation. TRTA thanks David Kelly, TRS Board Chairman, and Brian Guthrie, TRS Executive Director, for posting this video on their web site.

If you are unable to watch the video, you may want to click this link to view the presentation slides using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The battle to eliminate traditional retirement plans for educators and other public employees is heating up. TRTA members must be ready to educate their legislators and stand up to those who want to see these benefits eliminated.

To help with this effort, TRTA has prepared a new advocacy guide about the protection of the defined benefit plan. The guide will be available to all TRTA members in the next issue of The VOICE, which will begin arriving in mailboxes before the end of the year. As a special bonus for all TRTA Inside Line subscribers, you can download the guide sooner by clicking this link.

TRTA will be working on other fact pages, educational pieces, and information bulletins in the coming months. It is our goal to inform legislators and the general public that the TRS pension plan is well-funded, provides benefits to millions of Texans, and is a critical component of our state’s economy.

Personal Note

About a month ago, I was dealing with a frightful virus that caused me to need some time off from work. The good news is that I have recovered completely and am feeling even better than usual! I want to thank EVERY ONE who was so kind to send me cards and kept me in their thoughts and prayers. I am extremely fortunate to work with this organization, and am even more blessed to work for the people who make TRTA great. Your kindness is overwhelming. Thank You!

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