Recent Congressional Action on the Social Security Fairness Act

As previously reported by the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA), The Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82) has recently gained significant traction in Congress, marking a pivotal moment for public sector workers affected by the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).

These provisions have long reduced Social Security benefits for Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) retirees and other public servants who also receive pensions from employment not covered by Social Security, such as police officers and firefighters.

Bipartisan Support and Discharge Petition

The bill, introduced by Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) and co-sponsored by Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), seeks to repeal both WEP and GPO. Recently, the bill secured enough signatures on a discharge petition to force a House floor vote. This procedural move is significant and reflects strong bipartisan support because it bypasses the usual committee process and is a direct challenge to House leadership.

Discharge petitions are relatively rare and have been successful only a handful of times in the past 50 years. The success of this petition and ensuing floor vote represents a first in the 30-year history of this legislation and underscores the widespread recognition of the need for reform of these arbitrary and unfair provisions.

Next Steps

The next steps involve scheduling the bill for a floor vote in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Congress is on recess until after the November 5 election. Upon its return, the rules require that a member of Congress who signed the petition, most likely Graves or Spanberger, formally move to call up the bill for a vote. According to House rules, once the request is made, a vote must be scheduled within two legislative days.

If passed, the bill will move to the U.S. Senate for consideration, where 60 votes are needed to bring the bill up for a floor vote. Currently, the Senate companion bill to H.R. 82, S. 597, has 62 co-sponsors. However, to date, there has been no movement or action on that bill. Both houses must pass the bill before the next Congress begins on January 3, 2025.

Impact on Public Sector Workers

If enacted, the Social Security Fairness Act will significantly impact nearly three million Americans, including public school teachers, police officers, and firefighters. The repeal of WEP and GPO will ensure that these individuals receive the full Social Security benefits they have earned through their service and contributions.

The recent congressional actions on the Social Security Fairness Act represent a critical step towards rectifying long-standing inequities in the Social Security system. As the bill moves toward a House floor vote TRTA remains engaged in the process, working with our allies in Congress to keep the pressure on.

The Congressional calendar is a major obstacle in this case, as the first day after the election that the bill’s authors can ask for the House vote on H.R. 82 is November 12. In addition, Congress must pass a budget resolution before the Congress is set to adjourn on December 20 to avoid a government shutdown.

While we know this is an uphill battle, TRTA and our partner advocates across the nation continue to communicate with each other and our respective congressional delegations. TRTA will remain engaged and vigilant as progress is made on H.R. 82.

Please stay tuned to the Línea interior, as we will let members know when to contact Congressmen and U.S. Senators through our TRTA member action alert system.


Thank you for being a member of TRTA. Please renew your dues with TRTA if you have not done so already, as our work in the Texas Capitol and on Capitol Hill is fueled by our members’ financial support! If you know someone who is not a member, por favor invítalos a unirse a nosotros! La unión hace la fuerza y la forma más segura de lograr el éxito es hacer crecer la organización.

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