The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is gearing up for its Day at the Capitol on March 26.
We are calling on all members to complete this Action Alert letting legislators know that TRTA members will be at the Capitol!
This year’s Day at the Capitol will be a celebration of our victories in passing the cost-of-living increase in 2023 and the repeal Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) this year.
We are looking to improve funding for the TRS pension plan to keep it on track. We are asking legislators to carefully consider any legislation that may have a negative impact on the fund. We are also asking legislators to use state funding to pay down on the TRS unfunded liabilities and improve the funding status. According to TRS, the current plan has a funding period of 28 years.
While retirees are deeply grateful for the cost-of-living increase and 13th checks provided two years ago, there is still more work to be done! Many TRS retirees are still 30% behind inflation.
We are asking legislators to consider a benefit enhancement, such as a 13th check, for retirees who are still feeling the pinch from inflation.
Be sure to come show your support for retirees by registering for our Day at the Capitol!
Complete the Action Alert here!
Gracias por su membresía en TRTA. Estamos luchando ardientemente por sus beneficios todos los días en el Capitolio. Si aún no es miembro de TRTA, por favor únete aquí.
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