Actuarial Soundness Bill Set for Friday

Update on SB 1458

Actuarial Soundness Bill will be Heard Friday: Call your Representative Now! Click here to send an email (new email messaging!)

The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) continues to push Senate Bill 1458, the legislation that would make the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) pension fund actuarially sound and provide over 100,000 retirees with a benefit increase.

As of today, SB 1458 is posted for House action on Friday, May 17, 2013. YOUR help made this happen! Now, let’s continue to secure as much support for this bill as possible.

TRTA has updated its email advocacy campaign with several rotating letters that you can send to your Representative! TRTA is adding new content to this email campaign daily. CLICK HERE TO SEND AN EMAIL NOW!

We are also asking our members to reach out to their Representatives via telephone and ask them if they support SB 1458! Use our Legislator Hotline: 1.888.674.3788. Click here to find out who represents you.

TRTA wants to know if your legislator has committed to supporting this vital bill!Please contact us and let us know what you hear when you call your Representative’s office. Will your Representative vote “YES” for SB 1458? Leave us a message on our Facebook page or email us at

Members, you have been working hard for the past several weeks to move legislation that will have a positive impact on the TRS pension fund for years to come. We are closer than we have been in years to having an actuarially sound system.

We are extremely close to getting an immediate benefit increase for some of our more senior retirees, while creating the possibility for future benefit increases for ALL retirees as our system grows with new and enhanced revenue sources.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK! We began this session by fighting to get a modest increase in contributions to our fund and beating back attacks on the TRS defined benefit plan. We have all pushed through day by day to now have a bill that makes the fund actuarially sound and put us on a path to helping all current and future TRS retirees.

The progress TRTA has made in a mere five months is ASTOUNDING.

Let’s let our Representatives know how hard we have fought to achieve this goal and tell them not to let this opportunity slip through their fingers! Now is the time to make the TRS pension fund actuarially sound and protect our system for all current and future retirees!

Thank for your being a member of TRTA and an advocate for TRS retirees all over the state. If you are not a member and would like more information about joining in our grassroots efforts, please contact us at 1.800.880.1650.

West, Texas Relief Update

Members, we also want to update you on some great news! Many of you have donated generously to our Foundation’s West Relief Fund. We have received a tremendous response, raising over $25,000!

The TRTF Board has begun the process of distributing the funds to those in need. Thank you so much for your support! Our members are great advocates for one another in every possible way!

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