The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) extends its season’s greetings to all members and friends. As the year draws to a close, we know our dedicated retirees will enjoy spending time with loved ones and celebrating the holidays.
We at TRTA, the Board of Directors and staff, want to express our sincere appreciation to all of you for all of the support you have given to this great organization in 2017.
Because of you, TRTA is able to participate in vital legislative discussions that impact your retirement benefits, from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) pension fund to health care, and our charitable partner, the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF), has raised more than $80,000 since November for its vital programs to help educators of the past, present and future.
In 2017, our members fought for increased funding for the TRS-Care health insurance program, and took their message straight to their legislators who responded by providing more dollars for the plan during a special session this past summer.
Though significant changes will occur for all participants of TRS-Care, the outcome would have been far worse without the sincere efforts and constant communication of TRTA members. Your willingness to call, email and visit your elected officials in person gave a face to the issue of retiree health care. This resulted in reduced premiums and deductibles for ALL plan participants.
Many of our members may continue to have questions and concerns about their health care prior to the new insurance plans taking effect on January 1, 2018. We want you to know that you may reach out to TRTA by emailing while our office is closed for the holidays. Brock Gregg, Associate Director (Strategic Partnerships and Outreach), will respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible. Please be sure to provide your name and phone number in your email if you would like a return phone call.
In 2018, we will face new challenges and new opportunities. Though there is no Texas legislative session during this interim year, TRTA is ready to work with our many friends in Congress to find fair and realistic solutions for the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).
Though we hope you find time to have rest and respite over the coming weeks, we also ask that you take time to read the soon-to-be-released fourth quarter issue of our news bulletin, The VOICE. These will begin arriving in mailboxes as early as next week! You will receive important updates about congressional issues and the 65th Annual TRTA Convention that will be held in April.
Thank you for your membership to TRTA. If you are not yet a member, we need you to help us protect your retirement security. Please join TRTA today!
If you know someone who should be a member of TRTA who has not yet joined, please consider buying them a TRTA membership—just $35—as a gift for this holiday season!
We hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season!
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