Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) members are already hard at work preparing for legislative session. Reports from all over the state are arriving in our office about TRTA members organizing and meeting with legislators before the start of the legislative session.
As I have said to many of the TRTA members and active educators I have met with over the last few months, NOW is the time to get your legislator’s attention while they are still at home and are able to meet with their constituents.
Think of legislative session as the fourth quarter and time is running out. The start of legislative session should not be the start of our legislative outreach, now is the best time to score points.
Lobbyists and special interests will bombard legislators from the first day of session to the last. Believe me, legislators are FAR MORE INTERESTED IN MEETING WITH YOU IN THEIR HOME DISTRICT THAN THE LOBBYISTS IN AUSTIN!
The power in our membership is vast; let’s organize and use it in the last few weeks before session. Meeting with your legislators will ensure they come to Austin prepared to work on solving the TRS-Care crisis.
We need their help. We need our health care program funded. We need to know legislators are protecting our defined benefit plans.
We want to help you increase your voice. TRTA is already in the final stages of producing the fourth quarter issue of La voz news bulletin. We are preparing a special section for you to take action. It includes vital facts about the TRS-Care program, and also provides a section for you to write a message to your legislators.
We will gather hand-deliver these personal messages to every legislator in Austin!! If our members are willing to use that special section, it will create a tidal wave of letters sending a powerful message to legislators as they start the 84th Sesión Legislativa.
TRTA is ready to work every minute of every hour of every day of every month of this legislative session for you!
Help us make the most of the coming opportunities by preparing your fellow TRTA members and your legislators for the days of work, opportunity and victory on our vital legislative agenda.
TRTA and TRTF Celebrate 10 Years at the Trinity Office Center
November 12 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Trinity Office Center’s grand opening! The Trinity Office Center, which serves as the home of the TRTA’s state office, has been a valuable, lasting reminder of TRTA’s incredible leadership and membership.
In November 1987, TRTA President Enid Littlefield assigned 14 individuals to establish the Texas Retired Teachers Building Fund Trust. The trust was officially established in January 1988, and raised $750,000 through annual “Walks to the Wall.”
The trust’s fundraising responsibilities were transferred to the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF) in 2000. The ribbon cutting ceremony in 2004 for the grand opening of the Trinity Office Center celebrated 16 years of hard work and fundraising on the parts of TRTA and TRTF.
The Trinity Office Center stands approximately 200 feet east of the Texas State Capitol and is fully tenanted, with medical offices filling the entire third floor. It serves as an access point into the state Legislature, as well as a training ground for TRTA members to fight for retirement benefits.
The month of November is TRTF’s Foundation Month. Now is the time to continue the tradition of giving. Without donations, TRTF would have never been able to purchase the property on which the Trinity Office Center now stands. Similarly, without continued donations, TRTF will not be able to provide programs such as “A Helping Hand” or Classroom Assistance Grants.
If you would like to know more about making special donations to the TRTF or if you are in need of help from one of our Foundation programs, please contact our office and we will be happy to help.
You may donate online here, or over the phone by calling 1.800.880.1650 (ask for Dawn or Shala).
Your donations go towards supporting educators of the past, present and future!
Please watch and share the following video, wherein the significance of the Trinity building is recounted.
All Foundation videos can also be found here.
If you are not a member of TRTA and want more information about joining, please contact us at 1.800.880.1650. Follow us on Facebook! Visit our Canal de Youtube for regular video updates.