Local Unit Meetings Happening, Find Yours Today and Join the Fall Bring a Friend Contest!

The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) consists of 254 local units. These local units are the backbone of the organization and provide a great outlet to connect with your fellow retired educators.

Local units are holding their fall meetings, and you can find yours today by using the new TRTA local unit meeting calendar. TRTA’s Executive Director, Tim Lee, is engaging in many of these meetings, and you can view his calendar here. Many local units are also inviting their legislators to fall meetings.


To use the calendar, find your local under the organizer dropdown. From there, your local’s meetings will load. You can jump from one meeting to the next by clicking on the next month on the calendar. Dates that feature a blue dot have an event. You can view an event’s details by clicking on the date of the event and on the event itself.

If you haven’t seen it already, Tim Lee hosted a Facebook Live event recently where he spoke about the importance of local units. If you are not a member of a local unit, you can find one in your area here.


TRTA Fall Bring A Friend Contest

This month, TRTA launched the Fall Bring a Friend contest, just in time for local unit meetings! You and your friend could each win $100 and help TRTA reach 100,000 members!

Current TRTA members will get a new friend or colleague to join TRTA and you will both be entered to win a $100 gift card! If you win, your friend wins too! In total, three pairs of TRTA friends will win. The contest continues through November 15, 2019.

Read all the details and learn how to submit a contest entry here!

Join the TRTA 100K Challenge and Bring a Friend to TRTA Today! #TRTA100K #100KSTRONG #100KCHALLENGE #BRINGAFRIENDTOTRTA

Thank you for your membership to TRTA. TRTA’s local units are the biggest reason why TRTA has grown into the largest retired educator association in the nation. If you’re interested in learning more about your local unit, you can do so by visiting the local unit’s website.

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