Primary Runoff Elections: Last Day to Register to Vote is TODAY!

The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) and its members know the tremendous value their vote has in every election, especially the Primary Election. Now, we are nearing a critical voting time as runoff elections for the Primary Election are set to begin soon.

There are several key races that TRTA knows will be critical, and TRTA will begin sharing detailed information about those races starting tomorrow.

Most importantly, many elections for a seat in the Texas Legislature will be decided by just a handful of votes! Your vote has more power now than ever! Why? Because many registered voters do not participate during the Primary Election cycle. Even fewer participate when that cycle goes into runoff elections! Some races have been decided by as few as 40 votes!

Please, members of TRTA, be sure to schedule voting into your schedule during the Primary Election Runoff cycle. Better yet, schedule a time to go early and avoid long lines!

Here are some important things to know about the Primary Election Runoff Elections:

  • The PRIMARY RUNOFF election is when YOUR VOTE has exponential POWER!
  • Even if you did not vote in the first round of Primary Elections, you can still vote in the Runoff Election – and it is IMPORTANT that you DO!
  • Today is the deadline to REGISTER to vote: Monday, April 23rd. Click here to register now!
  • You can vote in the Republican Runoff as long as you did not vote in the Democrat Primary.
  • You can vote in the Democrat Runoff as long as you did not vote in the Republican Primary.
  • If you did not vote in the first round of Primary Elections, you may vote in either Runoff Election.
  • VOTE-BY-MAIL deadline: County Clerk must receive application by Friday, May 11.
  • EARLY VOTING: Monday, May 14 through Friday, May 18 (five days only!)
  • ELECTION DAY for Primary Runoff: Tuesday, May 22 at the precinct where you are registered to vote.
  • The fall General Election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 6.

Stay tuned for more information about voting in the Primary Elections Runoffs! Be sure to share this Línea interior with fellow retirees, family members and any active educators you may know.

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