Tim Lee Hosts Facebook Live Deep Dive on WEP Reform

The Texas Retired Teachers Association’s (TRTA) Executive Director Tim Lee hosted a Facebook Live event where he explained the history, present and possible future repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

Watch the full presentation here! You don’t need to have a Facebook profile to watch the video. In his presentation, Lee also referenced a slideshow, which is available here. The Social Security Administration has two articles on the WEP which are available aquí y aquí.

The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) is an unfair federal provision preventing retirees from receiving the Social Security benefits they are owed. The WEP, which took effect in 1983, provides a means of eliminating the “windfall” of Social Security benefits received by beneficiaries who also receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security.

Ninety-five percent of Texas public school employees do not pay into Social Security through their work with Texas schools. However, many have other jobs before, during, or after their employment in education in which they do pay into the federal program.

TRTA has joined our friends in Massachusetts, who are also affected by the WEP, in creating the Public Retirees Alliance.

In his presentation, Lee said that there’s no reason for the WEP to still exist in its current form, and people should be “incensed” that Congress hasn’t moved forward with a solution. Congress has all the information it needs to improve retirees’ lives, but a bill hasn’t moved forward because the WEP isn’t a high enough priority.

There are currently two WEP reform bills on the table, H.R. 4540, by the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Richie Neal, and H.R. 3934 by Texas Rep. Kevin Brady.

Both bills are similar and would be an improvement for the lives of retirees impacted by the WEP. TRTA is pushing for the best possible outcome for retirees.

Please contact your congressional representative and ask them to support both H.R. 4540 and H.R. 3934. You can find your representative’s contact information here.

Currently, there’s only one congressional member on the House Ways and Means Committee that has not signed on to either bill, Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett. If you want WEP reform to move forward, please contact Rep. Doggett and ask him to take action on this very important issue!

True WEP reform will start in the House Ways and Means Committee, but it will take all Texas Congressional members to resolve the WEP issue. Texas Congressional members must play their part to resolve the WEP. We need Congressional members to support one or both of these bills. Let’s get 100 percent Texas Congressional support on these bills. Currently, Reps. Mac Thornberry y Michael Cloud are also not signed on to either bill!

Nombre Número de teléfono Signed HR 4540 (Neal) Signed HR 3934 (Brady)
Jodey Arrington (202) 225-4005 No
Kenny Marchant (202) 225-6605 No
Kevin Brady (202) 225-4901 No
Lloyd Doggett (202) 225-4865 No No


Nombre Número de teléfono Signed HR 4540 (Neal) Signed HR 3934 (Brady)
Al Green (202) 225-7508 No
Bill Flores (202) 225-6105 No
Brian Babin (202) 225-1555 No
Chip Roy (202) 225-4236 No
Colin Allred (202) 225-2231 No
Dan Crenshaw (202) 225-6565 No
Eddie Johnson (202) 225-8885 No
Filemon Vela (202) 225-9901
Henry Cuellar (202) 225-1640
Joaquin Castro (202) 225-3236 No
John Carter (202) 225-3864 No
John Ratcliffe (202) 225-6673 No
Kay Granger (202) 225-5071 No
Lance Gooden (202) 225-3484
Lizzie Fletcher (202) 225-2571 No
Louie Gohmert (202) 225-3035 No
Mac Thornberry (202) 225-3706 No No
Marc Veasey (202) 225-9897 No
Michael Burgess (202) 225-7772 No
Michael Cloud (202) 225-7742 No No
Michael Conaway (202) 225-3605 No
Michael McCaul (202) 225-2401 No
Pete Olson (202) 225-5951 No
Randy Weber (202) 225-2831 No
Roger Williams (202) 225-9896 No
Ron Wright (202) 225-2002 No
Sheila Jackson Lee (202) 225-3816 No
Sylvia Garcia (202) 225-1688 No
Van Taylor (202) 225-4201 No
Veronica Escobar (202) 225-4831 No
Vicente Gonzalez (202) 225-2531
Will Hurd (202) 225-4511 No


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