Members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) are eagerly anticipating the issuance of the approved cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for eligible annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). As our members may recall, eligible annuitants will see an increase of either two, four, or six percent, depending upon their retirement date.
Per TRS, letters were mailed to annuitants in December notifying them of their eligibility for the COLA authorized by SB 10 and HJR 2. Beginning the week of January 22, TRS will mail a second letter to eligible annuitants showing the new monthly annuity payment reflecting the increase they will see.
TRTA received many phone calls and emails from concerned members who believed the COLA would be issued near the end of December. However, the monthly annuity payment schedule from TRS shows that all monthly annuities are issued at the end of the month; therefore, the January payment showing the increased annuity amount will be issued at the end of January. Paper checks will be placed in the mail on January 30, while those receiving annuities via direct deposit will receive them on January 31.
Please visit the TRS website to view the 2023 TRS Retiree Benefit Enhancements webpage y COLA FAQs for the latest updates.
Thank you for your membership to TRTA. If you are not yet a member, we need you to help us protect your retirement security. Please join TRTA today!
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