Los presidentes de distrito de TRTA se reúnen para una conferencia anual

The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) welcomes its twenty District Presidents to Pflugerville this week for the annual District Presidents Leadership Conference (DPLC) July 10 through July 14. The presidents, who serve as vital links to TRTA’s 240-plus local chapters across the state, are receiving training and information fundamental to their roles.

TRTA also welcomes the Board of Directors and State Committee Chairs, as they provide materials, learning sessions, and mentorship to the District Presidents. The District Presidents and Board of Directors will be in town until Thursday, July 13, and participate in sessions about Health and Safety, TRTA History and Preservation, Member Benefits, Membership and Volunteer Services, Retirement Education, the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF), Legislation, Communications, and much more!

Also presenting during DPLC were Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) Executive Director Brian Guthrie and Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA) Associate Vice-President of Field Development Jon Green.

The presidents participated in a live Facebook/YouTube event with TRTA Executive Director Tim Lee on July 11 and will receive a special presentation from Lee on ways they can help local chapters get involved and plan for the November election to help pass the constitutional amendment that will provide eligible TRS annuitants with a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).

District Presidents will also be finalizing plans for their upcoming fall conferences in their respective areas of the state, enjoying fellowship with one another, and discussing plans for the TRTA 2024 Convention in Corpus Christi slated for April 15-17.

A special thank you to our District Presidents: Amparo Montes-Gutierrez (D1), Linda DeHaven (D2), Robin Metting (D3), Rosalind Haynes (D4), Lynne James (D5), Judi Thomas (D6), Dr. Marilyn Williams (D7), Andi Kirby (D8), Vicki Dillard (D9), Gary Schepf (D10)—DP Council Chair, Rachel Gasperson (D11), Jo Ann Sugg (D12), Gene Stokes (D13), Ruth Stewart (D14), Karen Hoelscher (D15)—DP Council Vice Chair, Charla Overton (D16), Judy Kennedy (D17), Shirley Johnson (D18), Nancy Evans (D19)—DP Council Recorder, and Dr. Amy Jo Baker (D20).

TRTA also thanks our officers President Marcy Cann, Immediate Past President Leroy DeHaven, First Vice-President Ella Gauthier (Membership/Volunteer Services Chair), Second Vice-President Frana Patterson (Communications Chair), and Secretary/Treasurer Terri Navrkal (Finance Chair), as well as our Standing Committee Chairs Mary Widmier (Legislative), Pamela Elza (Historian), Sandra Barber (Member Benefits), Earl Wall (Organizational Affairs), Robert Cooper (Retirement Education), and Ron Leiman (Health and Safety Special Committee). We also appreciate TRTF President Mary Nell Short for her informative presentation about the TRTA’s valuable charitable partner organization!

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