TRTA: Stronger Together

Executive Summary:

  • TRTA has strength in numbers.
  • Your TRS pension plan is our priority.
  • We continue to fight for WEP reform.
  • If you are another retiree is in need, apply for TRTF’s “A Helping Hand.”

Dear TRTA member and friend,

When the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) came into existence 67 years ago, it is because we, as public educators, decided WE ARE BETTER OFF TOGETHER THAN APART. In good times and bad times over the past seven decades, we have become stronger by staying united.

We are all facing a public health crisis unlike anything we have seen before. TRTA is ready to respond to the consequences that may result from this pandemic. We believe the situation next legislative session may be very challenging and we, as an organization, must remain strong and prepared to advocate for the protection and improvement of your TRS retirement benefits.

TRTA members have seen major hits to the economy in the past. We know, based on those previous crises, that some groups go on the attack to weaken retirement security for current and future public education retirees. If left to them, all TRS retirement benefit programs would be open for attack. We have fought them back before and are prepared to do it again! That will only be possible with a strong advocacy organization, which is why TRTA members must be vigilant and present.

While next session will be challenging, TRTA is working to improve our members’ lives. Our team is talking to congressmen in Washington, D.C. right now about how they can fix the unfair Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and help retirees by giving them the Social Security benefits they have earned and deserve.

Enough is enough! Congress knows retirees are being cheated by the arbitrary WEP, and we demand they take action now! In the midst of a global pandemic, Congress should recognize that their failure on WEP leaves our members more vulnerable as they may not have the income needed to see this through. The federal government is the only side receiving a windfall while the unfair WEP still exists.

At TRTA, we see ourselves united as a team, even as a family. TRTA protects your pension by advocating and reassuring decision makers during times of crisis such as what we see today.

This is normally the time TRTA promotes its membership drive. Ultimately, our mission is critical, and we must remain as strong as possible. Our strength comes from our membership. You’re important to us, and this is why TRTA is more important than ever.

Your membership and commitment are the fuel that keeps TRTA running at the highest capacity. If you’re not a TRTA member yet, Por favor únete hoy. If you’re already a TRTA member, please renew your membership today.

Tomorrow at 1 PM, we are hosting a Facebook Live event with the TRS Executive Director Brian Guthrie to discuss the TRS pension trust fund and how the market fluctuations are impacting retirement security. The video will be available on the page here. You’ll be able to view it even if you aren’t a Facebook user.

If you or someone you know is struggling to make ends meet and needs immediate financial assistance, please contact our charitable partner the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation for information about our “A Helping Hand” program. Applicants must be members of TRS. You may reach TRTF at

Tim Lee
TRTA Executive Director

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