The Texas primary elections are the most direct way retired educators can make positive changes to retirement benefits such as cost-of-living adjustments and TRS-Care. The Texas Legislature is the state’s governing body that determines how much funding the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) receives. By voting for pro-public education candidates in the Texas primaries, retirees can have an enormous impact on TRS benefits.
According to Texas Educators Vote, over 90 percent of Texas elections are determined in the primary. The Texas primary elections early voting begins on February 20 and ends on March 2, 108. Primary election day is on Tuesday, March 6, 2018.
The deadline to register to vote is February 5. If you are not registered to vote by February 5, you will not be able to participate in the election. Visit the Secretary of State’s website to register to vote today!
If you are already registered to vote, the make a plan with your fellow educators to vote early in the primary election. The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) encourages all eligible educators, both retired and active, to get out the vote. Work with the local units in your area to learn about pro-public education candidates.
Talk to the Candidates!
The Texas Tribune has a list of all candidates on primary election ballots. Please take some time to reach out to candidates in your area and find out where they stand on issues that affect your retirement benefits! Be sure and share this information with your fellow retirees, neighbors and friends, as well as with TRTA. Feel free to email us at when you hear back from candidates about their stance on education issues.
Great questions to ask candidates:
- Do you support a defined benefit plan for all current and future TRS retirees?
- Do you support providing reasonable, affordable healthcare of TRS retirees?
- What will you do as my legislator to ensure that the TRS pension fund and TRS-Care health insurance program are preserved and improved?
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