General Election 2024: Early Voting Continues This Week!

Members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA), early voting for the November General Election continues through next Friday, November 1! The 89th Legislative Session begins in January, and it’s important for our members to make their voices known.

We encourage you to vote early and bring along friends, family members, and neighbors! Review your ballot ahead of time and head to the polls. You can share your “I Voted!” photos in the comments section of this Facebook post.

Key Dates for the 2024 November General Election

Oct. 21-Nov. 1  Early voting period
Oct. 25                          Last day to apply to vote by mail
Nov. 5                             Election Day

Find Your Polling Place

You may use the Texas Secretary of State website to find your polling locations and hours of voting. County election offices should also have information about polling locations for Election Day and during the early voting period posted on their websites.

Voter ID Information

You’ll need one of seven types of valid photo ID to vote in Texas (learn more about voter IDs here):

  • Texas Driver License issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
  • Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
  • Texas Personal Identification Card issued by DPS
  • Texas Handgun License issued by DPS
  • United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Passport (book or card)

Researching Candidates

As you decide how to vote, please download TRTA’s Legislative Priorities for the 89th Legislative Session. TRTA does not endorse candidates for political office. We do ask our members to reach out to candidates and ask them where they stand on issues that matter to TRS retirees.

TRTA’s Priorities may be useful to you as you determine which candidates at the state and federal levels support issues that impact retired Texas public school personnel.

  • If they are candidates for the Texas Legislature, will they commit to fully funding the pension fund and TRS-Care, and providing a benefit enhancement for TRS retirees when possible?
  • If they are congressional candidates, will they commit to ending the Social Security offsets— the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO)—that reduce Texas educators’ earned benefits?

Additional Candidate Resources

Many TRTA local chapters are conducting meetings this week and may be hosting candidates. Some districts may also host candidates as they continue their fall conferences this week. Ask for details from your local chapter president if you already are a chapter member or contact a local chapter or district near you for more information.

Joining a local chapter is a great way to connect with fellow retirees, stay informed about legislative issues, and participate in volunteer and community activities. The heart of TRTA’s grassroots advocacy lies within our locals, and we hope you will consider visiting and joining one today!

Other resources for researching candidates include Raise Your Hand Texas, Teach the Vote, and the League of Women Voters.

Thank You!

Thank you for being a member of TRTA. Please renew your dues with TRTA if you have not done so already, as our work in the Texas Capitol and on Capitol Hill is fueled by our members’ financial support! If you know someone who is not a member, please invite them to join us! There is strength in numbers and the surest way for us to accomplish success is to grow the organization.

Be sure to follow TRTA on Facebook and Instagram.

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