How Day at the Capitol Has Continued to Grow Through Friendship and Fellowship

Each legislative session, members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) gather at the Texas Capitol to lobby for improved retirement benefits, meet with legislators, and enjoy fun and fellowship among each other. The TRTA Day at the Capitol stands as the best opportunity for retired educators to meet with lawmakers, be recognized for their contributions to public education, and to voice their needs and concerns.

The first official Day at the Capitol occurred on April 13, 2005. Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, retired educators were recognized during March and April as having a “Texas Retired Public School Personnel Day.”

During some of those sessions, TRTA members were recognized in the House and Senate. TRTA officers were present at the Governor’s office as he signed the resolution. Members were also recognized for their volunteer hours and books.

On April 9, 1991, during the 38th annual TRTA Convention, the schedule of events included a few hours for members to visit with their legislators at the Capitol. More than 400 members participated in this event.

TRTA’s Legislative Coordinator, Dr. Mary Widmier, has been attending Day at the Capitol events since 2011. She loves the events for the “camaraderie with other members.” The thing she remembers the most is “the smiles on everyone’s faces” and connecting with friends that she hasn’t seen in a long time.

When Widmier was first coming to Day at the Capitol, one of the primary issues was funding for TRS-Care, the state-run health care program. According to the state, TRS-Care was in a “death spiral,” and faced frequent budget deficits. But due to the advocacy of retired educators, TRS-Care was able to be saved and now has experienced premium cost reductions for participants.

One of the things Widmier appreciates most about Day at the Capitol is the opportunity to make the issue at hand “personal” for legislators. Widmier says that when an issue is made personal, “They’re more likely to do what’s right… And do everything in their power to help us out.”

This year’s Day at the Capitol will take place on March 26. Widmier is expecting a “much bigger crowd this year.” More than 1,000 people have already submitted their registration.

Two years ago, the Legislature took the long overdue measure of providing a cost-of-living increase.

“People want to show their gratitude over the legislation that was passed two years ago. But they also want to remind our lawmakers that there’s still work to do and that we can’t forget about our pension plan and our health care.”

Register for this year’s Day at the Capitol event here!

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