Many members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) are familiar with our charitable partner, the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF). TRTF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides resources for retired TRS annuitants as well as active and beginning teachers. Since 2008, TRTF has distributed more than $800,500 to educators of the past, present, and future all across Texas!
TRTF manages several charitable programs: “A Helping Hand,” the Disaster Relief Fund, Classroom Assistance Grants, and Beginning Teacher Scholarships. Additionally, TRTF supports the Lehr-Pritchard Endowment Fund to provide long-term revenue for “A Helping Hand,” and launched its latest endeavor, the TRTF Tutor Program, in 2020.
How the Pandemic Changed Foundation Month
During Foundation months held in previous years, TRTF recorded videos featuring program recipients sharing how the aid they received has impacted their lives and the lives of Texas school children. Last year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, recipients were not able to meet with TRTF in person; this year, educators continue to balance in-person and online learning as the pandemic continues.
While TRTF will not have recipient videos to share with TRTA members this year, TRTF President Mary Nell Short recorded a State of TRTF address, giving an update on the Foundation’s charitable programs, while expressing her gratitude for our members’ tremendous support and outlining the great financial need that persists for retirees and current educators.
Many of our classroom teachers are meeting new and possibly permanent expectations in the classroom, teaching hybrid onsite and online courses and working with increased class sizes. Some are first-year teachers and are entering the profession with high hopes, but limited resources. Many retirees faced costly, unexpected expenses and repair due to winter storm Uri in February of this year.
Many students struggle with hybrid learning environments and learning loss as a result of the pandemic. The need for additional support outside of the classroom through affordable, reliable tutoring services is a necessity, but can be hard to come by.
Education is vital. Every person who has a role to fill in our school system is significant. The pandemic has made TRTF’s goal to help educators of the past, present, and future more important than ever!
TRTF knows that students, parents, schools, communities, and retirees all have persevered through difficult circumstances over the past year and a half, and we believe we play a part in making it better.
There are more than 6 million students in our public schools and more than 800,000 education professionals working in 1,100-plus school districts across Texas. There are more than 400,000 TRS retirees, and 30 percent of them make less than $1,000 per month. They are ALL under pressure to do more than ever, and TRTF can help!
Please Donate Today
It is time to give big so that we may help our children, schools, teachers, and retirees. TRTF is determined to help. As a 501(c)(3), we are in a unique position to raise donations and deploy them through our unique charitable programs. Please consider making your tax-deductible charitable contribution to TRTF.
How to Donate
You may donate online here or call 1.800.880.1650 and ask for Sarah. TRTF also included its annual appeal letter and donation card in the third quarter issue of The VOICE, in TRTA members’ mailboxes now! You may use the donation card found on page 12 and the enclosed envelope to mail your donation to TRTF today.
Please stay tuned to the Inside Line throughout the month of November as we update you on TRTF’s programs and share stories from individual program recipients.