Supplemental Payment Checks to Be Issued on Jan. 14, Tim Lee Hosts Virtual Presentation

The Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) will begin issuing supplemental payment checks to more than 429,000 retired educators on January 14. The announcement was made on the Texas Retired Teachers Association’s (TRTA) virtual presentation today on YouTube and Facebook, which was hosted by TRTA’s Executive Director Tim Lee.

The supplemental check is a direct result of TRTA’s advocacy during the Texas Legislature’s second special session. Even with this impressive achievement, TRTA continues to advocate for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for retired educators!

If you missed the event, watch here. The video features special guest appearances by Gov. Greg Abbott, Sen. Joan Huffman, Sen. José Menéndez, Rep. Glenn Rogers, Rep. Mary González, Rep. Rafael Anchía, and TRS Executive Director Brian Guthrie.

TRS members who retired on or before Dec. 31, 2020 or beneficiaries of a retiree who died on or before Dec. 31, 2020 and meet the criteria of the legislation, including being eligible to receive their annuity payment the month before TRS issues the one-time supplemental payment, will receive the one-time supplemental payment.

To learn more visit

TRTA’s greatest strength is its membership. To achieve our goal of winning a COLA, TRTA must continue to grow in numbers. TRTA is encouraging its members to post on social media about why our organization provides value to their retirement. If you or a friend don’t belong to our organization, please consider joining us today!

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