House Bill 160 by Rep. Terry Wilson (R – Marble Falls) would provide $286 million in funding for TRS-Care and ActiveCare, the state-run health care programs for retired and active teachers.
What it means. TRS-Care and ActiveCare have been hit hard by COVID-19. According to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), approximately 30% of members enrolled in August 2021 have had either a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of Covid-19 since March 2020. Since 2020, TRS-Care has paid out $83 million in COVID-19 related claims.
What to watch for. Texas is in its third special legislative session. HB 160 would help fund the health care programs and prevent any increases in premiums for active educators. HB 160 is slated to be heard in the Texas house today. The bill needs to pass by Tuesday to go into effect.
What you can do. Stay apprised of this developing situation by continuing to follow the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) via the Inside Line. TRTA members, please pay your membership dues. Help us keep TRTA strong! TRTA focuses solely on your TRS retirement security! The $35 annual membership fee you invest in TRTA is money well spent. It keeps this organization strong, active, vocal, and visible!
Please join us today! If you’re already a member, be sure to renew your dues.
TRS Care’s 35th Anniversary. TRTA Members, did you know that TRS-Care turned 35 this year? TRS-Care retiree health insurance program is celebrating 35-years of providing high-quality and affordable health care for Texas public education retirees. TRTA and its members have supported the TRS-Care program from the beginning. Thank you to TRTA members and the Texas Legislature for supporting TRS-Care. Thank you to the TRS staff and the many people and organizations that have made this program successful. In recognition of TRS-Care and all it has meant to TRS retirees, we will be providing some special updates to members in the coming weeks.