The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is ready for our exciting Day at the Capitol event today, April 12, 2023!
TRTA expects more than 1,000 retired public educators to join us on the East Lawn to meet with legislators, advocate for a much-needed cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and enjoy fellowship during an old-fashioned ice cream social!
TRTA IS THE VOICE FOR TEXAS PUBLIC EDUCATION RETIREES, and we want to be seen and heard today!
How to Participate if You Cannot Attend in Person
Though many of our retirees would like to attend this event, not all are able. We want your voice to be heard today too! Here are some ways you can participate and promote the causes that matter most to retired educators.
- Invite your Senator and Representative to TRTA Day at the Capitol!
Click here to email your legislators!
- Call Your Legislators Today!
If you are unable to send an email or prefer the phone, please call your legislator today. You can find phone numbers for your legislators by using this website.
Please let them know education retirees appreciate their hard work this session, and we want to show our gratitude by inviting them to our ice cream social on the east lawn! The social begins at Noon.
Legislators and their staff members should feel free to stop by anytime between Noon and 2:00 p.m. to say hello to constituents, offer a few words of encouragement, and enjoy some Amy’s Ice Cream!
- Download and mail the TRTA Day at the Capitol Flyer to Your Legislators!
Consider downloading our Day at the Capitol Fact Page and mailing it to your legislators. Though many members will hand deliver this flyer today, we want ALL legislators to receive one! We would appreciate your help spreading the word about the bills and initiatives that TRTA is supporting this session.
Please click here if you would like to download the TRTA Day at the Capitol Flyer.
To Write to State Senators:
The Honorable (full name)
Texas Senate
P.O. Box 12068
Austin, TX 78711-2068
To Write to State Representatives:
The Honorable (full name)
Texas House of Representatives
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768-2910
To find out who your Senator and Representative are, please click here.
- Watch TRTA’s Day at the Capitol Live Events
TRTA will host two live events on Facebook and YouTube during Day at the Capitol. The first event will be a live viewing of the House of Representatives discussing retired educators, which will occur at about 10 a.m. CST. The second event will be on the Capitol lawn during the ice cream social when legislators come out to speak to retirees, which will occur at about 12:00 p.m. CST. Roy Varney, TRTA’s Multimedia Specialist, will host both live events.
Thank You!
Thank you again to everyone participating in the TRTA Day at the Capitol. We appreciate you traveling to Austin, or virtually participating through the email advocacy campaign, phone calls, or mail. Your membership is what makes TRTA the successful organization that it is!
Thank you for your membership to TRTA. We will continue to be at the Capitol every day as session continues, working with your Senator and Representatives to pass much-needed financial relief for our dedicated retired educators. If you are not yet a TRTA member, please join here.
Be sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel.