TRTF Provides Disaster Relief Aid to Active and Retired School Employees

The Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF), the charitable partner organization of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA), expresses its sincere gratitude to our generous TRTA members for their recent donations to the Disaster Relief Fund.

Since the Panhandle wildfires began, TRTF has received more than $22,000 in donations. Your overwhelming support of TRTF’s Disaster Relief program has helped TRTF assist more than a dozen active and retired school employees who have suffered complete losses due to the Panhandle wildfires.

TRTF still has funds available to assist those in need! If you or a fellow TRS member has experienced damage due to these devasting fires, please reach out to TRTF Senior Operations and Programs Advisor Sarah Richardson. Sarah may be reached via email at or toll-free at 1.800.880.1650 extension 104.

Aid is available through the Disaster Relief program to help repair damage to homes or property. Please contact Sarah for an application and program guidelines as the application is not posted online. Applicants do not need to be a member of TRTA to be eligible for assistance.

Thank you for helping TRTF spread awareness of the Disaster Relief Fund and helping us achieve our mission to provide resources for retired TRS annuitants, as well as active and beginning teachers. To learn more about TRTF’s charitable programs or to make a tax-deductible contribution, please visit

TRTF Announces 2024-2025 Grant and Scholarship Recipients!

The Texas Retired Teachers Foundation is pleased to announce its Classroom Assistance Grant and First-Year Teacher Scholarship recipients for 2024-2025!

TRTF will award 31 $1,000 grants to Texas teachers who, on a daily basis, demonstrate commitment to public education and Texas students through the creation of programs, events, or other learning platforms. Learn about the 31 grant recipients HERE.

TRTF will award 35 $1,000 scholarships to first-year educators to assist with purchasing materials for their first-year classrooms. Learn more about the 35 scholarship recipients HERE.

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