TRTF Scholarship and Grant Winners Share Their Classrooms

Thank you, members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) for joining us during Foundation Month, a time to honor the charitable work done by our partner organization, the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF).

Today, we focus on two of TRTF’s longstanding programs, Beginning Teacher Scholarships (awarded to educators entering the field for the very first time) and Classroom Assistance Grants (awarded to current classroom teachers). With your support, TRTF continues to expand its programs to help more educators of the past, present, and future!

Beginning Teacher Scholarships provide funds to recent college graduates who will be teaching for the first time in the fall of 2022. The funds help reimburse the applicant for certifications and test results and purchase materials for his or her classroom during the first year of teaching. TRTF has awarded more than $124,500 in scholarships since 2008.

Classroom Assistance Grants help teachers improve the learning environment for students by giving $750 towards projects, learning platforms, software, and much more. TRTF will provide 30 $750 grants to public school teachers in Texas in 2022. Since 2008, TRTF has awarded more than $132,000 in grants to 264 recipients. Your donations help students develop real-world skills, and provides them with a caring, creative community to explore their future!

2021 Scholarship Recipient Madelyn Pipes

In 2021, Madelyn Pipes, who now teaches kindergarten at Liberty-Eylau Early Childhood Center in Texarkana, won a Beginning Teacher Scholarship after being referred by TRTA member Kerry James.

“My first year of teaching has been wonderful so far,” says Pipes. “I have been so thankful for the scholarship because as a first-year teacher and not having a bunch of much needed things, it was a huge help!”

Pipes used her funds from TRTF to purchase extra school supplies, new books and book bins, a colorful cart for her math centers, blocks for Fun Friday, and much more.

Applications Now Available for Download!

Applications for the 2022-2023 Beginning Teacher Scholarship and Classroom Assistance Grant programs are available on the TRTF website at for download.

The deadline to apply for either program is Friday, February 25, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.

Please Donate Today

Since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, TRTF’s programs have become more important than ever. Our school children, teachers, and retirees need our help! As a 501(c)(3), we are in a unique position to raise donations and deploy them through our unique charitable programs. We are determined to help!

Please consider making your tax-deductible charitable contribution to TRTF. You may donate online here or call 1.800.880.1650 and ask for Sarah. TRTF also included its annual appeal letter and donation card in the third quarter issue of The VOICE, in TRTA members’ mailboxes now! You may use the donation card found on page 12 and the enclosed envelope to mail your donation to TRTF today.

Please stay tuned to the Inside Line throughout the month of November as we update you on TRTF’s programs and share stories from individual program recipients.

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