Retirees’ Hard Work Has Paid Off! TRS Pension Fund to Be Actuarially Sound

Today, May 26, 2019 was the final day that the bills affecting Texas retired educators could be passed by the Texas Legislature. After months of emails, phone calls, personal visits and handwritten letters, retirees’ efforts have paid off! Today, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 500 (the supplemental budget) and Senate Bill 12 (the Retired Teachers’ […]
Call and Email Your Legislators Today! Last Chance to Pass Vital Legislation That Will Help Retirees!

Two must-pass bills are coming up for a vote, and will require your attention! Click here to send an email to your elected official! Use our toll-free legislator hotline to call your Senator and Representative today! 1.888.674.3788 See the detailed outline of the TRS plan below, including a helpful chart near the end of the […]
TRTA Update on 13th Check and Actuarial Soundness – Action Alert Included

Two must-pass bills are coming up for a vote, and will require your attention! Click here to send an email to your elected official. The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is now receiving information on how the deal to make the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) actuarially sound and provide retirees with a supplemental […]