TRTA Update on 13th Check and Actuarial Soundness – Action Alert Included

Two must-pass bills are coming up for a vote, and will require your attention!

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The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is now receiving information on how the deal to make the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) actuarially sound and provide retirees with a supplemental payment will be voted on as the session enters its final day for action.

Two bills, SB 500 and SB 12, are absolutely necessary to pass tomorrow for TRTA members to get the 13th check and for TRS pension plan to become actuarially sound. SB 500 is the funding bill. SB 12 is the policy bill.

All eligible TRS members retired as of 12-31-2018 will receive an extra check capped at $2,000. The check is projected to be paid this fall.

Because SB 500 allocates money out of the Rainy Day Fund, it must receive a total of 100 votes in favor in the House and 21 votes in favor in the Senate.

We need EVERY TRTA MEMBER TO GET ACTIVE ON THIS EMAIL ALERT! In addition, please call your state Senator and your state Representative offices on Sunday, May 26, and ask them to vote “YES” on SB 500.

This issue has come down to the very last part of session. It all comes down to Sunday, May 26, as the day we need action. Please, make sure you click the email link above and call your legislators and ask for their support!

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