Terri Navrkal
Becky Cerliano, Cathy Czapla, Sylvia Trejo
The TRTA Communications Committee shall promote and publicize TRTA state, district, and local chapter activities to the general public, all active and retired educational employees, and elected officials. The committee shall promote the use of district and local web pages, newsletters, social media, and coordinate the Children’s Book Project. The committee shall publicize local chapters recognizing fifty years of formation. The committee shall collaborate with other standing and special committees as appropriate to further the mission of TRTA. Stay connected with your fellow retirees every day!
In 2023, 143,870 books were distributed as part of the Children’s Book Project and the Student to Student Book Program.
The Children’s Book Project (CBP) is a service activity initiated by local chapters of TRTA. The purpose is to put books into the hands of children. Learn about the Children’s Book Project and guidelines here. The Children’s Book Project involves using membership donations, money from fundraising efforts, or contributions from local businesses to purchase books. As Second Vice-President, you will be responsible to make an official decision as to how the book project will be implemented. The President, Second Vice–President, the project chair (if there is one), and CBP committee members should be promoters of this endeavor. Read about how you can collect books with the Scholastic Book Fairs.
To order the book plates, email info@trta.org. In your email include your name, address, local chapter, and quantity. Book plates come in a pack of 250. You may also call 1.800.880.1650 with the same information for your request.
Online local reporting and district monitoring totals will be available for the 2024 year in the Fall.
TRTA prefers that reporting be completed using the online reporting form, but for those without a computer, the Local Chapter reporting form and the District reporting form may still be used. To assist you with your reporting, please view the training material PowerPoint here.
The Communications Committee has created samples of the Children’s Book Project, Volunteer Service, Student Award Scholarship, and District Spring and Fall Conferences press releases to assist you in your communications. You can also review the TRTA Style Guide to assist you with preparing printed materials, which includes the TRTA logo and tagline. Local chapters are encouraged to set up and maintain a Facebook page. To assist you with your page, review the Setting up a Facebook page instructional guide and guidelines on what to post and not to post.
The Communications Committee is all about publicizing the activities of our members at local, district, and state levels. Here are some documents to help you with that.
To access TRTA resources for this committee, please log in to your Member Profile.