Thank You TRTA Members for Voting! We are Ready with Robust Legislative Agenda
Now that the 2018 midterm elections are over, we want to extend a sincere “Thank You!” to our TRTA members and supporters who voted and helped get the vote out in this critical election cycle. Voter turnout in Texas soared, and we know many educators—retirees and pre-retirees—participated. Texas Educators Vote, a non-partisan group that promotes […]
Election Day is Tomorrow!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 6, 2018 is General Election day! We know many members and friends of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) early voted between October 22 and November 2. In fact, voter turnout in Texas has soared beyond the turnout for the most recent midterm election held in 2014! Per the Texas Tribune, “preliminary […]
Early Voting Begins Today (October 22): Educator Voting Day!
Early voting for the General Election begins today, Monday, October 22, 2018 and continues through Friday, November 2. Please make a plan to vote early! We encourage you to support your local educators and new student voters by voting today: Texas Educator Voting Day. Texas Educators Vote and many other education organizations across Texas are […]
Countdown to the General Election: Texas Educator Voting Day is October 22!
Countdown to the General Election: Texas Educator Voting Day is October 22! Early voting begins next Monday, October 22 and continues through Friday, November 2. Please make a plan to vote early! We encourage you to support your local educators and new student voters by voting on Texas Educator Voting Day. Texas Educators Vote and […]
TRTA Releases New Video Series: “TRS Retirees Deserve Better!”
Last Day to Register to Vote! Today is the last day to register to vote! TRTA wants to see all of its members out at the voting polls. You can register to vote here. Read a special message from TRTA’s Informative & Protective Services committee about the importance of voting! New Video Series The 86th […]
WHY VOTE? Because Retirees Deserve Better!
As many of our members know, Mr. Bill Barnes has served on the TRTA legislative committee as its Coordinator and Chair for many years. Working side-by-side with Executive Director Tim Lee, Bill has represented the voices of retirees across the state by making hundreds of visits to the Capitol and meeting with every legislator. Although […]
Countdown to the General Election: A Simple Plan
The November 6 mid-term General Election is shaping up with many good candidates and considerable political fodder for marketing gurus. When you hear the next amazing fact that sounds too good to be true or an out-of-context statement excoriating a political opponent, remember it is the job of marketing experts to make their candidate appear […]
Countdown to the General Election – Voting is Good for You!
Texas Educators Vote recently posted a message about the health benefits of civic engagement. It included this recent TIME magazine article about a study that linked registering to vote, voting, and civic engagement to healthier lifestyles for young adults. This is yet another great reason to help high school students get registered to vote! Voting […]
Countdown to the General Election – Today is Patriot Day!
Today is Patriot Day! Patriot Day is an annual observance held on September 11 to remember those who were injured or passed away during the terrorist attacks in the United States on the same date in 2001. Patriot Day is an opportunity to remember what our country stands for and how we come together during […]
Countdown to the General Election: Let’s Change History!
Labor Day has come and gone and with its passing begins the unofficial start of the 2018 mid-term election season. Historically, Texas tends to have one of the lowest voter turnouts in the United States, and that is something the members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) hope to change! Let’s change history this […]