Dear TRTA Members and Supporters,
This is the time of year to reflect and be appreciative of those who have been a special part of our lives!
The TRTA Board of Directors and the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF) Board of Trustees are so very thankful for the time you spend volunteering for the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) and the donations you have made to help fund TRTF’s many charitable programs.
Your work and endeavors have made this organization successful, and you give a voice to retired educators as well as active educators still working in the school systems. You help us provide assistance to retired educators in need, current classroom teachers and tomorrow’s educators!
Educators are the foundation for everything good that happens in our state. Educators make things happen. Your patience, love, knowledge, dedication and generous spirit make Texas great!
However, we also know that for all the good we do, the appreciation and salary is not commensurate. The future holds many questions about health insurance for our retirees, and concerns about making ends meet.
Fortunately, that does not hinder what we have and want to give to others. The Texas Retired Teachers Foundation does what its name implies. We are the base, the underlying structure that supports our members.
How the Foundation Can Help
If you or a retiree you know is in need of financial assistance this holiday season, please email the Foundation’s “A Helping Hand” program at TRTF has assisted many retirees with home repairs, dental work, hearing aids, medical bills, space heaters and much more!
If you know of a classroom teacher who is hoping to fund a great project for his or her students and is wondering where to find the money to accomplish this goal, have them apply for one of our fifteen available Classroom Assistance Grants (download application here).
If you have a grandchild or other family member who is about to graduate from college, and plans to teach for the very first time in the fall of 2017, let them know about our new Beginning Teacher Scholarship program. We may be able to assist them in paying for certification tests or supplies for their first classroom. Download the application here.
Donate Today
If you believe in the legacy of public education in Texas, and want to show your support through a tax-deductible donation to any of our Foundation’s amazing programs, you may donate online today! You may also call and donate over the phone with a credit card at 1.800.880.1650 (please ask for Dawn).
The third quarter issue of The VOICE also featured a special article about the Foundation, along with TRTF’s annual appeal letter and donation card. You can mail in your donation using the pre-paid envelope included with your issue.
There are nearly 80,000 members of TRTA. If we all give a little, we could do a lot! Foundation Month is your opportunity to make a difference for a colleague that could use help, create an opportunity for classroom teachers and students, or help open the door for a new teacher brimming with youthful enthusiasm to teach young minds.
Thank you for the opportunity you have given all of us to serve as your TRTA representatives. We are all deeply grateful to our members for everything that they do to support this great organization.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Tim Lee
Executive Director
Texas Retired Teachers Association