Invite your legislators to join us today for TRTA Day at the Capitol! Clicking here!
Today, March 29, is the Texas Retired Teachers Association Day at the Capitol event! More than 1500 retired educators from across the state will arrive on the east grounds of the Texas Capitol wearing red shirts, carrying red bags and rallying in support of funding for vital pension and health care programs!
TRTA IS THE VOICE FOR EDUCATION RETIREES, and we want to be seen and heard today! Though many of our retirees would like to attend this event, not all are able. We want your voice to be heard today too! Here are some ways you can participate and promote the causes that matter most to retired educators.
Here are three things you can do today to promote TRTA Day at the Capitol!
1. Email Your Legislators Today!
Help us extend an invitation to all legislators and their staff members to join us for our rally on the Capitol south steps and ice cream social on the east lawn! We’d also like for our legislators to come out and speak to retirees during our rally and share some encouraging words.
Click this link to send your email now!
2. Call Your Legislators Today!
If you are unable to send an email or prefer communicating via telephone, please call your legislator today using the Legislator Hotline: 888.674.3788.
Please let them know we appreciate them, and that TRTA and its members will continue to work with them to ensure that benefits for current and future retired educators are protected. Let them know we want to show our gratitude by inviting them to our rally and ice cream social. The rally begins at 11:30 a.m. on the south steps and the ice cream social begins at 12:30 p.m. on the east lawn. All legislators and their staff members are welcome. (Please note, in the event of rain, our rally on the south steps will move to the TRTA tent on the east lawn).
3. Download and mail the TRTA Day at the Capitol Fact Page to Your Legislators!
Download our Day at the Capitol Fact Page and mail it to your legislators! Though many members will hand-deliver this flyer today, we want ALL legislators to receive one. We would appreciate your help spreading the word about the bills and initiatives that TRTA is supporting this session.
Please click here if you would like to download the TRTA Day at the Capitol Fact Page.
Address for State Senators:
The Honorable (full name)
Texas Senate
P.O. Box 12068
Austin, TX 78711-2068
Address for State Representatives:
The Honorable (full name)
Texas House of Representatives
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768-2910
To find out who your Senator and Representative are, please click here.
Thank You!
Thank you again to everyone participating in the TRTA Day at the Capitol. We appreciate you coming to Austin, or virtually participating through the email advocacy campaign, phone calls or mail. Your membership is what makes TRTA the successful organization that it is!
Please be sure to stay tuned into the Inside Line throughout the 85th Legislative Session, as we will be bringing you all the latest updates on our broad legislative agenda. If you are not yet a TRTA member, please join here.
Be sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel.