As the General Election approaches, the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is your one-stop shop for voting safely and finding non-partisan information on how, when, and where to cast your vote.
There are only 42 days before election day (November 3) and 21 days until early voting begins (October 13). We urge you to plan ahead, apply for a mail-in ballot if you are eligible, and if you plan to vote in person, to follow all the recommended safety guidelines and vote early to avoid longer lines.
Voting Resources
Here are two new resources that explain the ins-and-outs of voting during the pandemic and include information about who will be on the ballot.
- The Texas Tribune includes the information you need about how and when to vote as well as who is on the ticket in statewide races. You can confirm your voter registration, request a mail-in ballot, and register to vote using the links included on this page.
- Raise your Hand Texas is an education advocacy group and one of TRTA’s partners in the Texas Educators Vote coalition. Their website allows you to view your voter information, research candidates, and register to vote.
Making Your Decision
As you decide which candidates deserve your vote, please take a look at the TRTA 2021 Legislative Priorities. These may be useful to you as you determine which candidates at the state and federal levels support issues that impact retired Texas public school personnel.
If they are congressional candidates, will they commit to ending the Social Security offsets— the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO)—that reduce Texas educators’ earned benefits?
If they are candidates for the Texas Legislature, will they commit to funding the contribution increases passed via Senate Bill 12 that move the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) pension fund toward actuarial soundness? Will they work to find a long-term funding plan for the TRS-Care health insurance program?
Many TRTA local units are collecting candidate surveys based on the priorities and some are conducting candidate forums at their meetings. Watch your inbox for dates and details if you already are a local unit member or contact a local unit near you for more information. Candidate forums are a great way to get your questions answered before you vote.
Mark Your Calendars!
- October 5, 2020 — Last Day to Register to Vote
• October 23, 2020 — Vote by mail application due
• October 13-30, 2020 — Early Voting period
• November 3, 2020, 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. — Election Day
TRTA will continue to use the Inside Line to share resources every week about how, when, and where to vote! Stay tuned.
Thank You!
Thank you for being a member of TRTA and supporting issues that affect retired Texas public school personnel. We hope all of our members are doing well and making their voting plans now! Please stay safe, and either vote by mail or make a plan to vote during the early voting period to avoid long lines and big crowds.