Making a Difference: TRTF Offers New Beginning Teacher Scholarships!
As our members may know, November has been designated by the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) Board of Directors as Foundation Month, a time to increase awareness of our charitable partner organization’s programs, good deeds, and plans for the future! Just in time for Foundation Month, the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF) is pleased to […]
TRS-Care Study Group Releases Its Interim Report, Changes Likely Imminent For TRS-Care
The TRS-Care Study Group released its report today on the TRS-Care shortfall in a 200-page report. The report features letters from legislators, recommendations on the future of TRS-Care and background information. The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) will have a comprehensive overview for our members by tomorrow. You can access the report here. The basis […]