The Children’s Book Project (CBP) is a service activity initiated by local chapters of TRTA. The purpose is to put books into the hands of children who otherwise would not have books of their own. Learn about the Children’s Book Project and guidelines here. The Children’s Book Project involves using membership donations, money from fundraising efforts, or contributions from local businesses to purchase books. As Second Vice-President, you will be responsible to make an official decision as to how the book project will be implemented. The President, Second Vice–President, the project chair (if there is one), and CBP committee members should be promoters of this endeavor. Read about how you can collect books with the Scholastic Book Fairs.
Learn more about reporting online here.
Volunteerism is the principle of donating time and energy for the profit of other people in the community as a social responsibility rather than for any financial reward.
Volunteer hours may be counted for any service provided without pay with a maximum of 12 hours per day. Hours spent doing volunteer work are recorded door-to-door and include prep time. Recording volunteer hours regularly and using a date book or calendar is recommended. Take pictures of volunteers in action and spread the information through various local chapter social media outlets.