House Appropriations Discusses Budget Bills: HB 1 and SB 500
Today is day 70 of the 140-day legislative session! At the halfway mark of session, the House Appropriations Committee considered budget bills TRTA Executive Director Tim Lee testified in favor of HB 1 and the committee substitute for SB 500, which includes additional dollars for the TRS pension fund HB 1 and SB 500 […]
Senate State Affairs Meets, Discusses SB 12
SB 12 receives hearing in Senate State Affairs Senator Huffman is working closely with the House to provide a long-term funding plan for the retirement system Without a stable funding plan for TRS, the pension plan’s unfunded liability will continue to increase, making a true cost-of-living increase impossible Executive Director Tim Lee testified in […]
TRS Board of Trustees Meets, Discusses Pension Fund Valuation
Executive Summary: TRS pulled in a 7.7 percent return on its investments this year. TRS lowered its rate of return assumption from 8 percent to 7.25 percent earlier this year. The Legislature must work with stakeholders to achieve actuarial soundness for the pension fund. On Friday, December 14, 2018, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas […]
TRS Retirees Deserve Better Video: Cost-of-Living Adjustment
The last time TRS retirees received a cost-of-living increase was in 2013—five years ago. It was a three percent cost-of-living increase, capped at $100 per month, and it only went to TRS retirees who retired before September 1st, 2004. If you retired after that date, 14 years ago, you’ve never seen a cost-of-living increase during […]
TRS Retirees Deserve Better Video: Defined Benefits
The TRS traditional defined benefit plan is the best type of retirement plan for public education retirees. The defined benefit plan is a secure and healthy pension plan. It’s intended to provide a lifetime annuity. It differs from defined contribution plans, 401(k)s, that provide only a sum-certain amount. TRS has never missed a payment to […]
TRS Hosting Fall TRS-Care Information Sessions
Over the next month, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) is hosting online and in-person informational seminars about the TRS-Care retiree health insurance program. TRS and its health partners are hosting these information sessions for TRS-Care retirees and their families. Though there are no changes to TRS-Care health plans in 2019, the information sessions […]
TRS Retirees Deserve Better Video: Rate of Return
The Teacher Retirement System of Texas revised its rate of return assumption on July 27th. The rate of return assumption is a measure used by TRS to project investment returns. The TRS board voted lower its rate of return assumption from 8 percent to 7.25 percent. This lowered assumption will not affect the amount of […]
TRTA Releases New Video Series: “TRS Retirees Deserve Better!”
Last Day to Register to Vote! Today is the last day to register to vote! TRTA wants to see all of its members out at the voting polls. You can register to vote here. Read a special message from TRTA’s Informative & Protective Services committee about the importance of voting! New Video Series The 86th […]
House Appropriations Committee Meets, Discusses Future of TRS-Care
The Texas House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Article III met today to discuss funding for TRS-Care and the implementation of last session’s changes to the retiree health care program. The committee invited testimony from both the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), as well as stakeholder groups, including the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA). […]
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and State Senator Joan Huffman Pen Letters Requesting TRS Avoid Raising TRS-Care Premiums
The Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, sent a letter to the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) Board of Trustees regarding the retiree health care program, TRS-Care. Patrick is asking the TRS Board not to raise retiree premiums for TRS-Care. This letter was bolstered by a similar letter from Senator Joan Huffman (R – Houston), Chairman […]