Reminder: Tim Lee Live Tomorrow, Voter Registration Deadline!

As the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) enters the most important phase of our campaign to pass Prop 9, TRTA members should tune in to our live event tomorrow, Tuesday, October 10 at 4 p.m. CDT. TRTA Executive Director Tim Lee will focus on why Prop 9 MUST PASS and how important it is to GET OUT THE VOTE!

La serie se centra en la aprobación de la enmienda constitucional relacionada con un ajuste por costo de vida (COLA) para los beneficiarios elegibles del Sistema de Jubilación de Maestros de Texas (TRS) en las Elecciones Generales de noviembre. Puede leer detalles sobre el COLA propuesto. en este enlace.

¡Ver los eventos en vivo es fácil! Simplemente haga clic en TRTA pagina de Facebook o Canal de Youtube. Estos eventos en vivo se graban y se pueden ver después de transmitirse desde los mismos enlaces proporcionados.

The series will continue as we lead up to the November election on November 7, 2023. Mark your calendars for another live event on Election Day.

Deadline to Register to Vote is Tomorrow, October 10!

Tomorrow is also the deadline to register to vote! We encourage all TRTA members, their family members, friends, colleagues, and supporters to utilice este enlace para determinar si su registro de votantes está actualizado.

If you are not registered to vote, you have several options available to you. This deadline to register for the November election is October 10. Visit for more information.

How to register:

Send a Letter to the Editor of Your Local Newspaper!

Now is the time to send your letter to the editor of your local newspaper asking voters to support Prop 9! You may use the sample letters to the editor TRTA has developed. These may be edited to add your personal information.

Members, please start sending your letters now! We encourage members to continue sending letters to their local newspaper editor before the early voting period, which begins October 23.

You may download the letters below:

Social Media Blitz Continues!

Please remember to promote Prop 9 by sharing TRTA’s posts on your social media accounts!

Here are instructions for each social media platform that TRTA is utilizing to share information.


Let’s start checking all the boxes to get Prop 9 passed this November! Make sure you’re registered and tell everyone you know about the importance of the pension increase for TRS retirees.

Gracias por ser miembro de TRTA. Estamos pidiendo a los miembros que por favor renueve sus cuotas con TRTA si aún no lo han hecho. Si conoces a alguien que no es miembro, por favor invítalos a unirse a nosotros!

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