TRTA Social Media Blitz to Support Prop 9 Continues

The Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) is continuing its social media blitz to draw attention to Prop 9, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) cost-of-living adjustment proposal that will appear on the November 7th General Election ballot.

Our first round of social media drew a lot of attention, receiving almost 5,000 shares, 95 comments, and more than 300 likes on Facebook. Thank you for helping us spread the word about Prop 9!

TRTA is now entering our second round of four social media blitzes. Our third round will occur just before early voting begins on October 23. Our final round will occur just before Election Day on November 7.

We are asking our members who are willing and able to continue to spread the word about Prop 9! There are a variety of ways to show your support for Prop 9 on social media, and we encourage you to start sharing on whatever platforms you engage in.

How to Share

Here are instructions for each social media platform that TRTA is utilizing to share information.

Facebook: Share this post from our Facebook page to your feed. Simply, click the Share button and choose Share to Feed. Feel free to add your own commentary to your post.

Twitter/X: Repost or quote our post. Simply, click the circular repost button. Feel free to add your own commentary to your post. Our hashtag is #FORPROP9.

Instagram: Download and share this image to your Instagram feed. First, download this image to your mobile device. To download the image, press and hold your finger on it and choose to save to photos. Next, go to Instagram and use the plus symbol to create a new post. Select the downloaded image from your files. Feel free to add your own commentary to your post.

Nextdoor: Download and share this image to your Nextdoor feed. First, download this image to your mobile device. To download the image, press and hold your finger on it and choose to save to photos. Next, go to Nextdoor and create a new post under, “What’s on your mind, neighbor?” Select the downloaded image from your files. Feel free to add your own commentary.

YouTube: Like our legislative committee’s video discussing the important of Prop 9. Visit the video and click the thumbs up button!

Spanish Friendly Documents Now Available!

TRTA has uploaded Spanish language documents to our COLA FAQ page. Visit the page and choose to download or print the documents to share them with Spanish speakers.

Bring 10 Votes for Prop 9 With You to the Polls!

TRTA is setting the goal for every member to bring 10 friendly “FOR Prop 9” votes with them to the polls this November. September is a great month to begin getting those 10 commitments! TRTA has also set up this page on our website to share documents and other information that our members will find helpful when speaking to others about supporting Prop 9.

You can share information with your neighbors and other people in your community. The page includes a Folleto de alerta para los votantes you can share now, as well as a Prop 9 Push Card.

Send a Letter to the Editor of Your Local Newspaper!

TRTA has developed sample letters to the editor that members can edit to add their personal information. Members, please start sending your letters now! We encourage members to continue sending letters to their local newspaper editor before the early voting period, which begins October 23.

You may download the letters below:

Check Your Voter Registration Status

Alentamos a todos los miembros de la TRTA, sus familiares, amigos, colegas y simpatizantes a utilice este enlace para determinar si su registro de votantes está actualizado. If you are not registered to vote, you have several options available to you. This deadline to register for the November election is October 10. Visit for more information.

How to register:


¡Comencemos a marcar todas las casillas para que se apruebe la Proposición 9 este noviembre! Asegúrese de estar registrado y comience a contarles a todos sus conocidos sobre la importancia del aumento de pensión para los jubilados de TRS.

Gracias por ser miembro de TRTA. Estamos pidiendo a los miembros que por favor renueve sus cuotas con TRTA si aún no lo han hecho. Si conoces a alguien que no es miembro, por favor invítalos a unirse a nosotros!

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